Nottinghamshire's Disability Swimming Club (Registered Charity No. 1093749)
Donate to Bingham Penguins Swimming Club
Help support Bingham Penguins Swimming Club by donating or sharing with your friends.
Club Welfare
Caring for the welfare of our swimmers
If you need to get in touch ...
Rebecca Bennett and Kate Palmer are Welfare Officers of the club.
They can be contacted at
Swim England provide some excellent advice and guidance on welfare matters. We urge you to review these important documents as they contain information and rules that all Club members are required to abide by and support.
Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedures
​This link provides direct access through the ‘Wave Power’ website to Swim England Child safeguarding policy and procedures.
Child Welfare Complaints process
This link provides direct access through the ‘Wave Power’ website to the Swim England Child Welfare Complaints procedure.